
A toolchain that integrates the optimization framework “MOO4Modelica” and the orchestration workflow “ModelicaOrch” to achieve optimal control in Modelica-based simulations.

GitLab Repo: https://git-st.inf.tu-dresden.de/wang/OptiOrch




(Feature Model Transformation)
	|-- feature_model
		|-- modelica.g4
		|-- parse_modelica.py
		|-- feature_model.py
(Optimization Operation)
	|-- config.json
	|-- config.py
	|-- optimize_main.py 
	|-- parallel_computing.py
	|-- optimization_libraries.py
(Orchestration Workflow)
	|-- orchestration_config.json
	|-- orchestrator.py
	|-- orchestration_wrapper.py
	|-- orchestration_configurator.py
  • Feature Model Transformation
    • modelica.g4: an ANTLR4 grammar for Modelica files
    • parse_modelica.py: parse a Modelica model to extract its components and their parameters
    • feature_model.py: create a feature model and add the extracted components
  • Optimization Operation
    • config.json & config.py: global settings and configurations
    • optimize_main.py: main optimization script
    • parallel_computing.py: parallel computing
    • optimization_libraries.py: dynamic import of algorithms from pymoo
  • Orchestration Workflow
    • orchestration_config.json: configuration file for the entire orchestration workflow
    • orchestrator.py: coordinates the overall workflow
    • orchestration_wrapper.py: intermediary between MOO4Modelica and orchestration workflow
    • orchestration_configurator.py: updates configuration based on current status

Copyright © 2024 Zizhe Wang.